NetSuite API Integration - Documentation And Discussion

Jamie Royce


July 25 2023

APIs Industry

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When it comes to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, NetSuite stands out as a leading cloud-based solution known for its extensive customization and integration capabilities. NetSuite provides a powerful suite of APIs that enable developers to seamlessly interact with the system, facilitating data retrieval, manipulation, and automation of business processes. Among these APIs, the REST (Representational State Transfer) API and the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) API are key options, each offering unique benefits for integrating and extending NetSuite functionality to meet diverse business needs.


NetSuite API Overview

NetSuite recognizes the critical role APIs play in modern software development and offers a comprehensive set of APIs tailored for developers. These APIs facilitate seamless interaction with NetSuite’s ERP platform, granting access to a vast array of data and functionalities. With NetSuite APIs, developers can retrieve customer records, create transactions, update inventory, automate workflows, and perform numerous other tasks programmatically.

NetSuite’s API offerings include both the REST (Representational State Transfer) API and the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) API, each designed to meet different integration needs. The REST API follows principles of simplicity, scalability, and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for many modern web service integrations. It allows developers to easily retrieve, manipulate, and create records in NetSuite, access custom data objects, execute saved searches, and more. This API simplifies the process of integrating NetSuite with external applications, enabling seamless data exchange and synchronization.

On the other hand, the SOAP API (SuiteTalk) is known for its robustness and is particularly suited for complex and secure integrations. SuiteTalk offers extensive functionality and supports advanced operations, making it a preferred choice for enterprise-level integrations requiring a higher degree of reliability and security.

By leveraging these APIs, developers can ensure that their integrations with NetSuite are efficient, scalable, and tailored to their specific business requirements.



The NetSuite REST API, currently in its beta phase, is a promising tool that continues to evolve with ongoing development and enhancements. While it offers a modern and flexible approach to integration, its beta status means there may be limitations and changes before it reaches full maturity. Despite this, many developers are exploring its potential alongside the more established SOAP API (SuiteTalk) when building NetSuite integrations.

Here’s a closer look at what developers generally prefer and why:

SOAP API (SuiteTalk):

  1. Stability and Maturity: Developers often prefer the SOAP API (SuiteTalk) for building NetSuite integrations due to its long-standing presence and stability. SuiteTalk has been around for many years and is a mature, well-documented API.

  2. Comprehensive Functionality: The SOAP API offers extensive support for complex operations, customizations, and a wide range of NetSuite features. This makes it suitable for enterprise-level integrations requiring robust and reliable solutions.

  3. Advanced Security: SuiteTalk supports advanced security features, including WS-Security, which is critical for sensitive and secure transactions. This is often a deciding factor for integrations involving sensitive data.


  1. Modern and Flexible: Despite being in beta, the REST API is appealing due to its modern architecture and flexibility. It uses JSON for data interchange and supports standard HTTP methods, making it easier to use and integrate with modern web applications.

  2. Ease of Use: REST APIs are generally considered easier to understand and work with, especially for developers who are familiar with web development. The stateless nature and straightforward design of REST APIs make them accessible for developers at various skill levels.

  3. Lightweight Interactions: For simpler, lightweight integrations that do not require the extensive capabilities of SOAP, the REST API can be a more efficient choice. It allows for quick data retrieval and manipulation without the overhead of SOAP's structured messaging.

By understanding the unique strengths and use cases of both the REST and SOAP APIs, developers can make informed decisions on the best approach for their NetSuite integrations, ensuring that they leverage the right tool for their specific needs.


Setting Up and Integrating REST and SOAP APIs in NetSuite

After understanding the differences between the REST and SOAP APIs, the next crucial step is setting up and integrating these APIs with your NetSuite instance. This section will provide a detailed guide to help you get started with both APIs.

Setting Up the REST API:

  1. Authentication and Access:

    OAuth 2.0 Authentication: NetSuite supports OAuth 2.0 for secure and authorized access. To use the REST API, you must create an integration record in NetSuite, which will generate a client ID and client secret.
    Token-Based Authentication: Obtain token-based authentication details, including token ID and token secret, to include in your API requests.
  2. Configuring Endpoints:

    Identify the specific REST API endpoints you need for your integration. Common endpoints include those for retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting records.
  3. Setting Headers and Authorization:

    Include necessary headers in your API requests, such as "Content-Type" and "Authorization". The "Authorization" header should contain the OAuth token or other authentication details.
  4. Testing and Debugging:

    Use tools like Postman or Insomnia to test your API requests and ensure they return the expected results. Debugging tools can help identify issues with requests and responses.

Setting Up the SOAP API (SuiteTalk):

  1. Creating Integration Records:

    In NetSuite, create an integration record specifying the SOAP API. This will generate the necessary credentials, including the account ID, consumer key, and consumer secret.
  2. Configuring SOAP Libraries:

    Install and configure SOAP libraries required for your development environment. Libraries like Apache Axis or JAX-WS can facilitate SOAP communications.
  3. Defining Web Services Roles:

    Create and assign appropriate roles and permissions for the SOAP API. This includes setting up roles that can access specific records and fields.
  4. Generating WSDL:

    Obtain the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file from NetSuite, which defines the SOAP API’s structure. Use this WSDL to configure your SOAP client.
  5. Testing and Debugging:

    Similar to REST, use tools like SoapUI to test SOAP requests. Ensure your requests are correctly formatted and that responses are handled appropriately.


NetSuite API Documentation

Access to comprehensive and well-organized documentation is critical for successful API integration and development. NetSuite provides extensive documentation for both its REST and SOAP APIs, which can help developers understand how to effectively use these APIs.

1. NetSuite REST API Documentation:

Overview: The REST API documentation offers detailed information on how to interact with NetSuite's ERP system using RESTful web services. It includes guidance on authentication, making API requests, handling responses, and troubleshooting common issues.

Endpoints and Operations: The documentation lists all available endpoints, along with the supported HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). Each endpoint's functionality is explained, including the required parameters, headers, and example requests and responses.

Authentication: Detailed instructions on setting up OAuth 2.0 for secure access, including how to generate tokens and handle token refresh. It also covers token-based authentication for various integration scenarios.

Error Handling: Information on interpreting error codes and messages returned by the API, along with best practices for implementing robust error handling in your applications.

Resources: The documentation provides links to additional resources, such as developer guides, community forums, and example code snippets to help developers get started quickly.

Accessing REST API Documentation: You can access the full REST API documentation through the NetSuite Help Center or directly via NetSuite REST API documentation.

2. NetSuite SOAP API (SuiteTalk) Documentation:

Overview: The SOAP API documentation provides comprehensive details on using SuiteTalk for integrating with NetSuite. It covers the setup process, WSDL files, and the structure of SOAP messages.

Web Services Description Language (WSDL): Instructions on obtaining and using the WSDL file to define the SOAP web service's structure. This includes methods for accessing NetSuite records, executing searches, and performing data operations.

Security: Information on implementing WS-Security, managing user roles and permissions, and ensuring secure communication between your application and NetSuite.

Examples and Best Practices: The documentation includes practical examples and best practices for developing and deploying SOAP-based integrations. It covers common use cases and provides example code to illustrate key concepts.

Troubleshooting: Guidance on troubleshooting common issues, interpreting SOAP fault messages, and resolving connectivity problems.

Accessing SOAP API Documentation: The SOAP API documentation is available through the NetSuite Help Center or directly via NetSuite SOAP API documentation.

3. Additional Resources:

SuiteAnswers: A valuable resource where developers can find answers to common questions, access tutorials, and join discussions with the NetSuite developer community. Available at SuiteAnswers.

Developer Network: NetSuite’s Developer Network offers access to a variety of tools, including SDKs, libraries, and integration frameworks to support API development. Learn more at the NetSuite Developer Network.

NetSuite Schema Browser: The NetSuite Schema Browser is an essential tool for developers, providing a comprehensive view of the available records, fields, and their relationships within NetSuite. It allows developers to explore the data model, understand the structure of different record types, and see the connections between them, which is crucial for effective API integration and customization. Access the NetSuite Schema Browser to enhance your development process.

By leveraging these documentation resources, developers can effectively utilize NetSuite's APIs to build robust and scalable integrations, ensuring their projects are well-supported and aligned with best practices.


Is NetSuite API Integration Right for your Business?

Although NetSuite’s REST API offers flexibility, simplicity, and scalability for developers working with NetSuite, it is still essential to carefully evaluate your integration requirements.  Do your research and consider your business’s specific features, performance, and compatibility needs before deciding on the appropriate API approach.

Have any other questions about NetSuite or other software integrations within your company?  Reach out, and we will be happy to help guide you through the process:


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