MindCloud Resources


Connections by MindCloud: What Does It Cost To Scale?

November 02 2021

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November 02 2021

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What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software?

October 23 2021

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Want to know more about CRM? Our incredible MindCloud software keeps detailed records so you don't have to. Click here for more information.

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October 23 2021

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What Is Dropshipping & Who Does It?

October 23 2021

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Get e-commerce data integration for your drop shipping and elevate your workflow with MindCloud. Click here to see what MindCloud can do for you.

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October 23 2021

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SaaS (Software as a Service) Made Simple

October 23 2021

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You have likely heard countless programs these days being referred to as SaaS — or Software as a Service. Some of the leading SaaS companies are Slack, Dropbox and DocuSign. In this article, we will simply explain SaaS and how it could apply to you. What is SaaS? Let’s use an example to illustrate this.

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October 23 2021

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MindCloud Channels – Innovative Brand Distribution Software

October 21 2021

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Get MindCloud Channels and let our CRM connect you to brand distribution software to fulfill your orders seamlessly. Click here for more information.

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October 21 2021

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Integration Industry

Home Grocery Delivery Companies Enter the Fulfillment Scene

October 15 2021

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You’re sitting on the couch. Dinner time is just around the corner. The grocery store is only ten minutes away. But let’s get real: you don’t feel like getting up. Wouldn’t it be easier if someone could just bring you the food? Right. This is no longer “new” news. Companies like Instacart, DoorDash and Grubhub

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October 15 2021

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What is Business-2-Business (B2B)?

October 15 2021

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As a consumer, you are interested in the product you purchased. You ordered your new smart phone and want that tracking number — now. When you don’t get the service you paid good money for, it irritates you and makes you think twice about ordering from that company again.

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October 15 2021

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EDI Explained — Do You Need It?

October 15 2021

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If you are involved in any aspect of Business-2-Business (B2B) relations, you have most likely stumbled across the acronym EDI. Possibly you've even attempted to have EDI explained. In this article, we are going to clear up exactly what EDI is so you can determine how and if it applies to you. What is EDI?

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October 15 2021

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Product Solutions

Solving Order Management

October 15 2021

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An order comes in. You are excited. But then you remember something an employee told you about this item being low on stock. You check your inventory. Lo and behold, that specific item is in fact out of stock. Scrambling, you dig up records to find out the lag time between the manufacturer and your depot.

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October 15 2021

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Demystifying APIs (Application Programming Interface)

October 15 2021

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Simplify. Scale. Automate.

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October 15 2021

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